Special Inner Voice Offer at $22 Only

Experience the power of the Inner Voice Via the AO Scan. This is an effective way to assist your body to get back into balance. This very special offer requires you to send me your details. 12 Second recording of your voice. This recording is analysed by the device a graph is produced and the recommended music with recommended balancing tones are sent with a 7 page report.  It is recommended that you listen to the 4 MP3’s at least 2 to 3 times a day for a few days.  First thing in the morning just before bed and when you remember throughout the day for best results. The information also details what body areas could be affected by the out of balance tones and suggestions to help improve this. The total value is $220 yours for only $22.

    Upload your 12 seconds voice recording

    My name is …….. Just talk about anything for 12 seconds and send this file as an audio file

    How Inner-Voice Works

    Inner voice technology uses sound harmonizing techniques, Which generate balancing audio frequencies derived from the voice specturm excesses, and weaknesses, in the human voice.

    Stated plainly, Inner-Voice diminishes frequencies that are in excess and supplements frequencies that we lack.

    Inner-Voice records your voice and analyzes twelve notes across nine octaves, C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A#, B. Inner-voice focuses on three high notes that are excessively out of balance,or over represented, as well as the lowest notes that is being suppressed.

    Every single note produces a series of tones called hear these subtle variations as essentially the same accurately capture and analyze this data.

    Inner-Voice helps harmonize our everyday life by int. Emotional intelligence, Stress Managment and Int.